Breaking down the brick and mortar of schools and trying the flex model
I have always been the type of teacher that needs to have change in my life. I have never been happy teaching the same things every year....
Breaking down the brick and mortar of schools and trying the flex model
Capstone Project Hmm?/?/
Storytelling in Calculus 12
Break ends
My word of the year for 2019
Helping others purpose shine!
Pole Holders
Its not Rocket Science
Stop and Smell the Ocean
Bringing the fun back into high school math and sciences.
Do you think we could...
EDvent 2018
Invest in teachers that are doing a really good job
Blended Classrooms.. Really??
Why are your students so focused?
Introvert out of her comfort zone
Flexible Structures to support Curriculum Changes
Why do we teach for my past and not our childrens future.
Most memorable teaching moment!!